L to R: Nico Pang (they/them), Socks Whitmore (they/them); photos by Griffin Deary (he/him)

Suni Jade (she/they); photo by Lenix Lynn (they/he)

Domaine Javier (she/her); photo by Lenix Lynn (they/he)

Laura Leo Kelly (they/them); photo by Lenix Lynn (they/he)

Dylan Davis-Merrett (he/him); photo by Lenix Lynn (they/he)

Amir Levi (he/she/they); photo by Lenix Lynn (they/he)

Lola (they/them); photo by Lenix Lynn (they/he)

Nikki Knupp (he/they); photo by Lenix Lynn (they/he)

Rowan Blackwood (he/xe/they); photo by Lenix Lynn (they/he)

L to R: Muse Lee (he/him), Hana Shay Gottlieb (they/them); photo by Lenix Lynn (they/he)

gone fishin’
Please note that Pothos is on a programmatic hiatus. The difficulties of producing theater in Los Angeles often make the mission of producing theater equitably in a way that financially supports artists untenable. We’re not going away, but we are rethinking the best approach to revitalizing our work in a sustainable and still thoughtful manner.
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